I have to do a sed line (also using pipes in Linux) to change a file extension, so I can do some kind of mv *.1stextension *.2ndextension
like mv *.txt *.
This may work:
find . -name "*.txt" |
sed -e 's|./||g' |
awk '{print "mv",$1, $1"c"}' |
sed -e "s|\.txtc|\.c|g" > table;
chmod u+x table;
I don't know why you can't use a loop. It makes life much easier :
newex="c"; # Give your new extension
for file in *.*; # You can replace with *.txt instead of *.*
ex="${file##*.}"; # This retrieves the file extension
ne=$(echo "$file" | sed -e "s|$ex|$newex|g"); # Replaces current with the new one
echo "$ex";echo "$ne";
mv "$file" "$ne";