I had x-editable working in Meteor 0.7.2 but since upgrading to 0.8.0 it no longer renders correctly. I tend to end up with a bunch of Empty tags. This is frustrating becaus
Yet another implementation working with iron-router and managing Collection2 validation:
The control
div(id="text" class="editable" data-type="text" data-pk="#{_id}" data-name="address" data-value="#{address}" data-context="Buildings") #{address}
And the JS code:
setTimeout( -> #needed to work with iron-router
placement: "auto top"
display: ->
success: (response, newValue) ->
newVal = {}
oldVal = $.trim $(this).data("value")
name = $(this).data("name")
newVal[name] = newValue
eval($(this).data("context")).update $(this).data("pk"), $set: newVal
, (error) ->
Notifications.error error.message
Meteor.defer -> $(".editable[data-name=" + name + "]").data('editableContainer').formOptions.value = oldVal
console.log "set new value to " + newValue
Session.set "text", newValue
I couldn't find a way to set the data context automatically. I'm sure it shouldn't be very difficult. Any help welcome!