I had x-editable working in Meteor 0.7.2 but since upgrading to 0.8.0 it no longer renders correctly. I tend to end up with a bunch of Empty tags. This is frustrating becaus
If Andrew's answer worked for you, and you have a lot of fields like this, you may find convenient to use a function to create the required templates. Here is an example
{{#each editables}}
{{> editable1}}
{{> editable2}}
and in the js:
Template.main.editables = function(){
return Objects.find({});
function xeditFactory(collection, template, field){
template.content = function(){ return this[field]; };
template.id = function(){ return 'xedit_'+this._id+'_'+field; };
template.rendered = function(){
var container = this.$('#xedit_'+this.data._id+'_'+field);
var grabValue = function() {
return $.trim(container.text());
return container.editable({
value: grabValue,
display: function() {},
success: (function(_this) {
return function(response, newValue) {
var set = {};
collection.update(_this.data._id, {$set:set});
return Meteor.defer(function() {
return container.data('editableContainer').formOptions.value = grabValue;
xeditFactory(Objects, Template.editable1, 'field1');
xeditFactory(Objects, Template.editable2, 'field2');