let\'s say I opened a file, then parsed it into lines. Then I use a loop:
foreach line $lines {}
inside the loop, for some lines, I want to
for plain text files, it's safest to move the original file to a "backup" name then rewrite it using the original filename:
Update: edited based on Donal's feedback
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y%m%d%H%M%S}]
set filename "filename.txt"
set temp $filename.new.$timestamp
set backup $filename.bak.$timestamp
set in [open $filename r]
set out [open $temp w]
# line-by-line, read the original file
while {[gets $in line] != -1} {
#transform $line somehow
set line [string tolower $line]
# then write the transformed line
puts $out $line
close $in
close $out
# move the new data to the proper filename
file link -hard $filename $backup
file rename -force $temp $filename