I am having an issue with the MediaRecorder class. When I call the start() method, the recorder starts recording(audio) but after some delay (The delay is quite noticeable -
This seems to be either a bug in either MediaRecorder or the device's firmware. You can see the same delay in the default Camera app, which also uses MediaRecorder. I also noticed that there's extra audio at the end of each recording, past when the video stops recording. However, the video and audio seem to be synched throughout the video. It's something like this:
========================================= Audio being captured
========================================= Video being captured
|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| Time
^ ^
start() stop()
So the audio isn't really "shifted", it just begins and ends past the video capture.
I'm witnessing the delay on a Motorola Xoom tablet running Honeycomb (Android 3.0).
See a bug report here: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=15953