can anyone help me on how to retrieve function parameter names? For example:
var A = function(a, b, c) {};
I need to get the parameter name
You can use either a regex such as described in here, another alternative would be to use a tokenizer. The following code uses the acorn
javascript parser for checking if a function contains a specific argument name:
function isFunction(value) {
return value && typeof value === 'function';
function hasArgument(func, name) {
if (!isFunction(func) || !name) {
return false;
var tokenizer = acorn.tokenize(func);
var token = tokenizer();
while (token.type.type !== 'eof') {
// ')' closes function, we do not want to look inside the function body
if (token.type.type === ')') {
return false;
if (token.type.type === 'name' && token.value === name) {
return true;
token = tokenizer();
return false;