I made a python program using PyGame which is only available for Python 2.7 so that is my python version. I am using Anaconda because it is easier to install modules and to
How to create an executable using Anaconda 3 (specifically Anaconda Prompt) for Windows.
1 - Make sure pyinstaller is installed in your anaconda
pip install pyinstaller
2 - Move to the directory of your python script
cd C:\Users....\program.py
3 - Just type the following:
pyinstaller --onefile program.py
If everything goes well, in the folder where you have your script.py you it will be created many folders and your executable is inside folder "dist".
If my explanation is confusing go here: https://medium.com/dreamcatcher-its-blog/making-an-stand-alone-executable-from-a-python-script-using-pyinstaller-d1df9170e263