Thank you Dawson! The problem mentioned below has been solved in android. But sadly it does not work when I build the project in ios, could anyone help?
Hi guys just in case this is another has custom sound and other properties such as title, badge type is interesting how this plugin doc is not finished yet, creating local notifications for android working absolutely beautiful with latest cordova (3.4.x) just create a var and assign your package name (the one you use when created the phonegap/cordova project with the command line something like this for example:
cordova create LocalNotification com.example.localnotification LocalNotification
Should be used in the plugin with these values:
var package_name = "com.example.localnotification";
date : Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000 + 5),
title : "Android App Tes Local Notification",
message : "This is a new local notification.",
repeat : "daily",
sound : 'android.resource://' + package_name + '/raw/beep',
badge : 0,
id : 666,
foreground : function(notificationId){
console.log("Hello World! This alert was triggered by notification " + notificationId);
background : function(notificationId){
console.log("Hello World! This alert was triggered by notification " + notificationId);
Download local notificator plugin (working on Android ONLY)
Download beep.mp3
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