I saved a cell array as a .mat file in Matlab as follows:
test = {\'hello\'; \'world!\'};
save(\'data.mat\', \'test\', \'-v7.3\')
How can I
Writing in Matlab:
test = {'Hello', 'world!'; 'Good', 'morning'; 'See', 'you!'};
save('data.mat', 'test', '-v7.3') % v7.3 so that it is readable by h5py
Reading in Python (works for any number or rows or columns, but assumes that each cell is a string):
import h5py
import numpy as np
data = []
with h5py.File("data.mat") as f:
for column in f['test']:
row_data = []
for row_number in range(len(column)):
row_data.append(''.join(map(unichr, f[column[row_number]][:])))
print data
print np.transpose(data)
[[u'Hello', u'Good', u'See'], [u'world!', u'morning', u'you!']]
[[u'Hello' u'world!']
[u'Good' u'morning']
[u'See' u'you!']]