I have two scripts, one of them splits audio of a certain length, the other one splits audio on every time there is a silent passage. Would it be possible to split the audio
The solution is to use mp3splt instead: http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/mp3splt_page/documentation/man.html
-t TIME[>MIN_TIME] Time mode. This option will create an indefinite number of smaller files with a fixed time length specified by TIME (which has the same format described above). It is useful to split long files into smaller (for example with the time length of a CD). Adjust option (-a) can be used to adjust splitpoints with silence detection. >MIN_TIME can be used to specify the theoretical minimum track length of the last segment; it allows avoiding to create very small files as the last segment. Make sure to quote the argument when using MIN_TIME - "TIME>MIN_TIME".
Then, it can be used in python like this:
import os
os.system("mp3splt inputfile.mp3")