OData V4 has enum support but it appears you have to search by the namespace only. How does one now search by the value instead of the text representation?
In V3 of
With v4, you have to add the namespace as the prefix and surround the value with the single quote such as http://services.odata.org/V4/(S(m1bhpaebr1yvzx5vtz5v4ur1))/TripPinServiceRW/People?$filter=Gender%20eq%20Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.PersonGender'1' , where 1 represents Female.
Here is a quotation from the ABNF of the protocol http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata/v4.0/os/abnf/odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt:
enum = qualifiedEnumTypeName SQUOTE enumValue SQUOTE
enumValue = singleEnumValue *( COMMA singleEnumValue )
singleEnumValue = enumerationMember / enumMemberValue
enumMemberValue = int64Value