I have two text files that contain columnar data of the variety position
, sorted by position
Here is an example of the
Looks like a problem one would likely stumble upon, for example database table data with keys and values. Here's an implementation of the pseudocode provided by rjp.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub read_file_line {
my $fh = shift;
if ($fh and my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
return [ split(/\t/, $line) ];
sub compute {
# do something with the 2 values
open(my $f1, "file1");
open(my $f2, "file2");
my $pair1 = read_file_line($f1);
my $pair2 = read_file_line($f2);
while ($pair1 and $pair2) {
if ($pair1->[0] < $pair2->[0]) {
$pair1 = read_file_line($f1);
} elsif ($pair2->[0] < $pair1->[0]) {
$pair2 = read_file_line($f2);
} else {
compute($pair1->[1], $pair2->[1]);
$pair1 = read_file_line($f1);
$pair2 = read_file_line($f2);
Hope this helps!