In my iPhone app, I\'m presenting a modal view controller from a home screen with a UIWebView that displays an \"inline\" embedded YouTube video using this:
I'm not sure but it seems that after the "done" button is pressed and the Player is closed the control returns to the root view controller, in your case that's your first screen.
For exaple in my application I have an UITabBarController as my rootViewController, in my AppDelegate I have something like this:
self.window.rootViewController = self.myTabBarController;
So that's the reason why my tabBarController (my first screen) always was presented after pressing the "done" button.
I solved this setting my Modal View as my rootViewController after presenting it.
Try this after presenting your modal view:
MyAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MyAppDelegate *) [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[self presentModalViewController: myModalViewController animated: YES];
[self.appDelegate.window setRootViewController: myModalViewController];
NOTE: After dismissing the modal view you must restore the root view controller doing
In my case:
self.appDelegate.rootViewController = self.appDelegate.myTabBarController;
Hope it helps