I am upgrading from rails 3.2.19 to rails 4.1.5, using rspec-rails 2.14.0.rc1 and capybara 2.4.1. All tests pass, and I only have one deprecation warning left:
I had 50/50 success with Justin Ko's answer. The one that worked had code like this:
link_to "Reset", reset_pre_shot_description_mental_game_path(@mental_game), data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, class: "small_button round", id: "reset_pre-shot"
and this test:
page.accept_confirm do
click_link "Reset"
The test that fails (but has code that works in the browser) has code
link_to 'Delete', micropost, data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, method: :delete
and test
page.accept_confirm do
click_link "Delete"
The failure message was
Failure/Error: page.accept_confirm do
Timed out waiting for modal dialog
I tried moving the method: :delete
into the :data
hash, but this did not help.
It turns out that the deprecation warning actually found two bugs in the code, as I was using the rails 3 syntax for confirm i.e. not using the :data
hash, so my code was broken but the page.driver.accept_js_confirms!
test was not picking it up. So this has been worthwhile tracking down.