Using Perl, how can I determine whether my program is running on 32 bit Windows or 64 bit Windows?
Is there any API available?
I can think of a couple of opt
Sys::Info looks promising:
use strict; use warnings;
use Sys::Info;
my $info = Sys::Info->new;
my $cpu = $info->device('CPU');
printf "%s (%s bit)\n", scalar $cpu->identify, $cpu->bitness;
my $os = $info->os;
printf "%s (%s bit)\n", $os->name(long => 1), $os->bitness;
C:\Temp> t Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2300 @ 1.66GHz (64 bit) Windows XP Service Pack 3 build 2600 (32 bit)
Note that it incorrectly identifies my laptop's CPU as being 64 bit (see Intel® Core™ Duo Processor T2300—bug report filed).