I have an app which uses masterdetail page to show menu in all page. The navigation is happened in two way in my app. one from the menu and second way from Dashboard. so if
I was having same issue, Detail.Navigation.PushAsync(itemSelected)
makes hamburger menu vanish and also creating another sub-class to retain seemed big work on code and performance. So, I decided to use my own stack datatype for Master detail page. It was bit tricky to keep track and code but working fine.
Initialize it at the app load with current Detail page and for each item selected Push new page on top of stack.
public partial class MyMasterDetailPage: MasterDetailPage
private Stack navigationStack = new Stack();
public MyMasterDetailPage()
masterPage.listView.ItemSelected += OnItemSelected;
catch (Exception exc)
Override OnBackButtonPressed()
in same Page code behind
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
var lastPage = navigationStack.Pop();
if (lastPage.Equals(Detail))
lastPage = navigationStack.Pop();
Detail = (Page)lastPage;
IsPresented = false;
// to avoid app close when complete pop and new page is push on top of it
if (navigationStack.Count == 0)
return true;
catch (Exception)
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();