I\'m using two commercial libraries that are produced by the same vendor, called VendorLibA and VendorLibB. The libraries are distributed as many DLLs that depend on the com
I'm no expert in DLLs, but the only way I see it possible would be to use LoadLibrary() and explicitly load the DLLs. Then you could place the functions/classes etc in separate namespaces using GetProcAddress().
HMODULE v1 = LoadLibrary(_T("libv1_0.dll"));
libv1_0::fun_in_lib = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(v1, _T("fun_in_lib"));
HMODULE v2 = LoadLibrary(_T("libv2_0.dll"));
libv2_0::fun_in_lib = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(v2, _T("fun_in_lib"));
Whether this would work or not still kind of depends on the library, so it may or may not work, but as far as I can tell it's the only possibility.