In Firefox (at least), if you hit ESC, then it will close all open WebSockets connections. I need to capture that disconnection and try to re-connect once it\'s available ag
You can't catch it and it's not your fault. It's FireFox bug. Vote for it here:
I personally tried all kind of solutions:
event handlers onunload onbeforeunload onclose try..catch some js error handling 3rd party services etc.
You can log to console your socket, it's closed before unload, but FF thinks different.. :(
Solution (not answer directly to the answer, but it works):
It's a bug, so you can't catch, but this info is not Solution. After all kind of crazy workarounds and tries to catch that bug, i finally found this working. If you use to work with WebScokets it can work with different transport technologies. xhr-polling works with Firefox.
if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { //test for Firefox/x.x or Firefox x.x (ignoring remaining digits);
socket = io.connect('//' + node_server + '/', {
transports: ['polling']
} else {
socket = io.connect('//' + node_server + '/');
What helped me - might help you too:
Web Socket support in Node.js/ for older browser
Define transport types on the client side doens't work with transports: [ 'xhr-polling' ]