I have a piece of code that works but I want to know if there is a better way to do it. I could not find anything related so far. Here are the facts:
I have the following function in my profile for this purpose. Advantage: I can pipe a collection of objects to it and remove nulls from all the objects on the pipeline.
Function Remove-Null {
# Object to remove null values from
#By default, remove empty strings (""), specify -LeaveEmptyStrings to leave them.
process {
foreach ($obj in $InputObject) {
$AllProperties = $obj.psobject.properties.Name
$NonNulls = $AllProperties |
where-object {$null -ne $obj.$PSItem} |
where-object {$LeaveEmptyStrings.IsPresent -or -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.$PSItem)}
$obj | Select-Object -Property $NonNulls
Some examples of usage:
$AnObject = [pscustomobject]@{
$AnObject | Remove-Null
prop1 prop2 prop5
----- ----- -----
data moredata 3
$ObjList =@(
notnull = "data"
more = "sure!"
done = $null
another = ""
notnull = "data"
more = $null
done = $false
another = $true
$objList | Remove-Null | fl #format-list because the default table is misleading
notnull : data
more : sure!
notnull : data
done : False
another : True