Pandas has a widely-used groupby facility to split up a DataFrame based on a corresponding mapping, from which you can apply a calculation on each subgroup and recombine the
If you want a more flexible implementation of groupby
that can group using any of numpy
's ufunc
def groupby_np(X, groups, axis = 0, uf = np.add, out = None, minlength = 0, identity = None):
if minlength < groups.max() + 1:
minlength = groups.max() + 1
if identity is None:
identity = uf.identity
i = list(range(X.ndim))
del i[axis]
i = tuple(i)
n = out is None
if n:
if identity is None: # fallback to loops over 0-index for identity
assert np.all(np.in1d(np.arange(minlength), groups)), "No valid identity for unassinged groups"
s = [slice(None)] * X.ndim
for i_ in i:
s[i_] = 0
out = np.array([uf.reduce(X[tuple(s)][groups == i]) for i in range(minlength)])
out = np.full((minlength,), identity, dtype = X.dtype), groups, uf.reduce(X, i))
if n:
return out
groupby_np(X, groups)
array([15, 30])
groupby_np(X, groups, uf = np.multiply)
array([ 0, 3024])
groupby_np(X, groups, uf = np.maximum)
array([5, 9])
groupby_np(X, groups, uf = np.minimum)
array([0, 6])