I am currently reading a file and storing the data in an array named @lines
. Then, I loop through this array using a for
loop and inside the loop I
If you read a file into a list it will take everything at once
@array = <$fh>; # Reads all lines into array
Contrast this with reading into a scalar context
$singleLine = <$fh>; # Reads just one line
Reading the whole file at once can be a problem, but you get the idea.
Then you can use grep
to filter your array.
@filteredArray = grep /fever/, @array;
Then you can get the count of filtered lines using scalar
, which forces scalar (that is, single value) context on the interpretation of the array, in this case returning a count.
print scalar @filteredArray;
Putting it all together...
C:\temp>cat test.pl
use strict; use warnings; # always
my @a=; # Read all lines from __DATA__
my @f = grep /fever/, @a; # Get just the fevered lines
print "Filtered lines = ", scalar @f; # Print how many filtered lines we got
Filtered lines = 2