Is there a standard way to write documentation comment in the Swift language? Something equivalent to javadoc (Java) or docstrings (Python)?
There are two types of Documentation comments single line "///..." and multiline "/**...*/" documentations NSHipster explains it here
Sample code copied from the website:
Repeats a string `times` times.
- Parameter str: The string to repeat.
- Parameter times: The number of times to repeat `str`.
- Throws: `MyError.InvalidTimes` if the `times` parameter
is less than zero.
- Returns: A new string with `str` repeated `times` times.
func repeatString(str: String, times: Int) throws -> String {
guard times >= 0 else { throw MyError.InvalidTimes }
return Repeat(count: 5, repeatedValue: "Hello").joinWithSeparator("")