I\'m using this blog post to configure integration tests for a Spring Boot project, but I\'m pretty stuck on declaring the source sets. I also found this post on StackOverfl
I was finally able to figure it out thanks to some help on the Kotlin Slack channel. First of all I had to upgrade to Gradle version 4.10.2.
For more info have a look at these two pages from Gradle:
Then I just had to create the sourceSets for the integrationTests
sourceSets {
create("integrationTest") {
compileClasspath += sourceSets["main"].output + configurations["testRuntimeClasspath"]
runtimeClasspath += output + compileClasspath + sourceSets["test"].runtimeClasspath
This would work just fine for Java, but since I'm working with Kotlin I had to add an extra withConvention
sourceSets {
create("integrationTest") {
withConvention(KotlinSourceSet::class) {
compileClasspath += sourceSets["main"].output + configurations["testRuntimeClasspath"]
runtimeClasspath += output + compileClasspath + sourceSets["test"].runtimeClasspath
In the docs they only put runtimeClasspath += output + compileClasspath
, but I added sourceSets["test"].runtimeClasspath
so I can directly use the test dependencies instead of declaring new dependencies for the integrationTest
Once the sourceSets were created it was a matter of declaring a new task
task("integrationTest") {
description = "Runs the integration tests"
group = "verification"
testClassesDirs = sourceSets["integrationTest"].output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets["integrationTest"].runtimeClasspath
After this the tests still didn't run, but that was because I'm using JUnit4. So I just had to add useJUnitPlatform()
which makes this the final code
task("integrationTest") {
description = "Runs the integration tests"
group = "verification"
testClassesDirs = sourceSets["integrationTest"].output.classesDirs
classpath = sourceSets["integrationTest"].runtimeClasspath