I have a medium-sized array (e.g. 1500x3000) that I want to plot at scale since it is an image. However, the vertical and horizontal scales are very different. For simplific
Firstly, when you're saving as a .pdf
, you are implicitly using the pdf backend, even though you might be specifying other backends in your options. This means your image is saved in vector format and dpi is therefore pretty meaningless. In any resolution, if I load up your PDF in a decent viewer (I used inkscape, others are available), you can clearly see the stripes - I actually found it easier to observe if you set every second row to zero. All the PDFs generated contain complete information to reproduce the stripes and are consequently virtually identical. As you specify figsize=(45, 10)
, all the generated PDFs have suggested display size 45 inches x 10 inches.
If I specify png
as the image type, I see a difference in file size based on the dpi
parameter, which I think is what you're expecting. If you look at the 100 dpi image, it has 4500000, the 200 dpi image has 18000000 pixels (4x as many) and the 300 dpi image has 40500000 (9x as many). You will notice that 4500000 == 1500 x 3000 i.e. one pixel per member of your original array. It follows, then, that the larger dpi settings don't gain you any further definition really - instead, your stripes are 2 or 3 pixels wide respectively instead of 1.
I think what you want to do is effectively plot every column 10 times, so you get an image 1500 x 30000 pixels. To do this, using all your own code, you could use np.repeat to do something like the following:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
R, C = 1500, 3000
DATA = np.random.random((R, C))
DATA[::2, :] = 0 # make every other line plain white
Yi, Xi = 1, 10 # increment
DATA = np.repeat(DATA, Xi, axis=1)
DATA = np.repeat(DATA, Yi)
CMP = 'seismic'
ImageFormat ='pdf'
Name = 'Image'
DataRange = (np.absolute(DATA)).max() # I want my data centred on 0
EXTENT = [0, Xi*C, 0 ,Yi*R]
NORM = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin =-DataRange, vmax= DataRange, clip =True)
for i in range(1,4):
Fig=plt.figure(figsize=(45, 10), dpi = 100*i, tight_layout=True)
ax = Fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
Plot = ax.imshow(DATA, cmap=plt.get_cmap(CMP), norm = NORM, extent = EXTENT, aspect = 1, interpolation='none')
Fig.savefig(Name+str(i)+'00DPI.'+ImageFormat, format = ImageFormat, dpi = Fig.dpi)
Caveat: This a memory intensive solution - there may be better ways out there. If you don't need the vector graphics output of pdf
, you can change your ImageFormat
variable to png
It strikes me that the other thing you might be concerned with is to give the picture the appropriate aspect ratio (i.e 20 times as wide as it is high). This you're already doing. So, if you look at each representation of a pixel in the pdf
, they are rectangular (10 times as wide as they are tall), not square.