Troubleshooting a java memory leak: finalization?

前端 未结 5 2188
难免孤独 2020-12-31 05:27

I have a misbehaving application that seems to leak. After a brief profiler investigation, most memory (80%) is held by java.lang.ref.Finalizer instances. I sus

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-31 06:00

    My first step would be to establish whether this is a genuine memory leak or not.

    The points raised in the previous answers all relate to the speed at which objects are collected, not the question of whether your objects are collected at all. Only the latter is a genuine memory leak.

    We had a similar predicament on my project, and ran the application in "slow motion" mode to figure out if we had a real leak. We were able to do this by slowing down the stream of input data.

    If the problem disappears when you run in "slow motion" mode, then the problem is probably one of the ones suggested in the previous answers, i.e. the Finalizer thread can't process the finalizer queue fast enough.

    If that is the problem, it sounds like you might need to do some non-trivial refactoring as described in the page Bringer128 linked to, e.g.

    Now let's look at how to write classes that require postmortem cleanup so that their users do not encounter the problems previously outlined. The best way to do so is to split such classes into two -- one to hold the data that need postmortem cleanup, the other to hold everything else -- and define a finalizer only on the former
