This is what I came up with:
Given the list:
List keywords = Arrays.asList("Apple", "Ananas", "Mango", "Banana", "Beer");
(1) Transforming them in place
Maybe I am missing it, there does not seem to be a 'apply' or 'compute' method that takes a lambda for List. So, this is the same as with old Java. I can not think of a more concise or efficient way with Java 8.
for (int n = 0; n < keywords.size(); n++) {
keywords.set(n, keywords.get(n).toUpperCase());
Although there is this way which is no better than the for(..) loop:
.forEach( i -> keywords.set(i, keywords.get(i).toUpperCase()));
(2) Transform and create new list
List changed =
.map( it -> it.toUpperCase() ).collect(Collectors.toList());