I try to write custom jackson deserializer. I want \"look\" at one field and perform auto deserialization to class, see example below:
import com.fasterxml.j
The immediate problem seems to be that the @JsonDeserialize(using=...)
is being picked up for your implementations of MyInterface as well as MyInterface itself: hence the endless loop.
You can fix this my overriding the setting in each implementation:
public static class MySuccess implements MyInterface {
Or by using a module instead of an annotation to configure the deserialization (and removing the annotation from MyInterface):
mapper.registerModule(new SimpleModule() {{
addDeserializer(MyInterface.class, new MyDeserializer());
On a side-note, you might also consider extending StdNodeBasedDeserializer
to implement deserialization based on JsonNode. For example:
public MyInterface convert(JsonNode root, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
java.lang.reflect.Type targetType;
if (root.has("custom_field")) {
targetType = MyFailure.class;
} else {
targetType = MySuccess.class;
JavaType jacksonType = ctxt.getTypeFactory().constructType(targetType);
JsonDeserializer> deserializer = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(jacksonType);
JsonParser nodeParser = root.traverse(ctxt.getParser().getCodec());
return (MyInterface) deserializer.deserialize(nodeParser, ctxt);
There are a bunch of improvements to make to this custom deserializer, especially regarding tracking the context of the deserialization etc., but this should provide the functionality you're asking for.