I\'m using Android studio 1.5.1
I\'d like to include the org.apache.poi-ooxml library in my android project. To include that library I needed to include some other l
There are a number of problems when you try to use Apache POI and it's depending libraries in an Android Application. Among others there are duplicate classes in xmlbeans.jar, the "javax.*" packages are prohibited by the Android compiler and a few others.
There are currently two projects which try to fix those issues:
android5xlsx provides ready-made jar-files to include in your application, but currently uses a somewhat outdated version of POI. poi-on-android is based on POI 3.15-beta1 and can be recompiled for newer versions of POI fairly easily. Both projects are for Android 5+ and come with sample code and should allow basic usage of Apache POI on Android.