I am beginner with the Swift
having no advance knowledge with operators.
I have the following class
class Container {
var list: [Any]
It sounds like you are looking for subscripts. You can make subscripts for your own type like the following example:
class Container {
var list = [["Hello", "World"], ["Foo", "Bar"]]
subscript(index: Int) -> [String] {
get {
return list[index]
set {
list.insert(newValue, atIndex: index)
The above example works with the double [ ]
only because I know that we are going to return an Array
. Here the Array
contain Strings as an example, but you could of course swap in your own type
var container = Container()
container[0][0] = "Stack"
container[0][1] = "Overflow"
print(container[0][0]) // "Stack"
print(container[1][1]) // "Bar"