I am working on Google Map Markers in Flutter.
On the click of each Marker, I want to show a Custom Info Window which can include a button, image etc. But in Flutte
Bellow is 4 step I had implemented for custom InfoWindow on my project
Step 1: Create a stack for GoogleMap and Info Window Custom.
children: [
Positioned.fill(child: GoogleMap(...),),
top: {offsetY},
left: {offsetX},
child: YourCustomInfoWidget(...),
Step 2: When user click Marker calculator position of marker on screen with func:
screenCoordinate = await _mapController.getScreenCoordinate(currentPosition.target)
Step 3: Calculator offsetY, offsetX and setState.
Relate issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41653
devicePixelRatio = Platform.isAndroid ? MediaQuery.of(context).devicePixelRatio : 1.0;
offsetY = (screenCoordinate?.y?.toDouble() ?? 0) / devicePixelRatio - infoWidget.size.width;
offsetX = (screenCoordinate?.x?.toDouble() ?? 0) / devicePixelRatio - infoWidget.size.height;
Step 4: Disable Marker auto move camera when tap
consumeTapEvents: true,)