Can anyone please confirm if android development is not yet supported on windows 7 x64? I downloaded the sdk, but when I tried to launch the sdk and avd manager it fails to
For me the problem was solved on windows 8 64 by editing the find_java.bat in the android_sdk/tools/lib folder.
Basically the for loops that set java_exe and javaw_exe will not work correctly if the path has a white space in it! Ie. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk" has this, find_java.bat will set java_exe to "C:\Program" which android.bat doesn't like.
I was ok when i edited find_java.bat like this: (see the two lines after 'rem edit:)
rem Check we have a valid Java.exe in the path. The return code will
rem be 0 if the command worked or 1 if the exec failed (program not found).
for /f %%a in ('%~dps0\find_java.exe -s') do set java_exe=%%a
rem edit:
set java_exe="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"
if not defined java_exe goto :CheckFailed
rem Check if we can find a javaw.exe at the same location than java.exe.
rem If that doesn't work, just fall back on the java.exe we just found.
for /f %%a in ('%~dps0\find_java.exe -s -w') do set javaw_exe=%%a
rem edit:
set javaw_exe="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw.exe"
if not exist %javaw_exe% set javaw_exe=%java_exe%
goto :EOF