I wrote the following
def mapFun[T, U](xs: List[T], f: T => U): List[U] = (xs foldRight List[U]())( f(_)::_ )
and when I did
It seems to me that because "f" is in the same parameter list as "xs", you're required to give some information regarding the type of x so that the compiler can solve it.
In your case, this will work:
mapFun(List(1,2,3) , (x: Int) => x * x)
Do you see how I'm informing the compiler that x is an Int?
A "trick" that you can do is currying f. If you don't know what currying is check this out: http://www.codecommit.com/blog/scala/function-currying-in-scala
You will end up with a mapFun like this:
def mapFun[T, U](xs: List[T])(f: T => U): List[U] =
(xs foldRight List[U]())( f(_)::_ )
And this will work:
mapFun(List(1,2,3))(x => x * x)
In the last call, the type of x is resolved when the compiler checks the first parameter list.
As Dominic pointed out, you could tell the compiler what your types are. Leading to:
mapFun[Int, Int](List(1,2,3), x => x * x)