Dark mode launch screen in iOS 13

后端 未结 5 456
故里飘歌 2020-12-30 19:10

I\'ve updated my iOS app to work in dark mode on iOS 13 but I am having trouble trying to get the launch screen to look good.

Currently it is a bright white screen w

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-30 19:53

    I was updating my app to support new Dark Mode for iOS 13, I put "System Background Color" for the View's background in my LanuchScreen.storyboard, but surprisingly it didn't work!

    The Logo image on the page was changing correctly based on Light/Dark Mode, but not the background!

    I was about to apply Jose's solution, but before that, I decided to completely remove the app from my device and try again. And it worked!!
