It looks like there is no \"replace\" option in new AngularJS 1.5 Component concept (like it was for directives).
What would you suggest if I want to have ta
This is not possible the-angular-way anymore since the replace: true flag has been deprecated
Why is replace deprecated in AngularJS?
the replace: true flag had come up with more problems than solutions which is why it was removed. therefore you can not build directives in such a way anymore and provide valid table-tr-td markup.
However, there are two reasons why this is not as bad as it looks:
you can do everything you want to do without table, tr, td, etc. just using elements like div, span, etc. and some css on it
web-components (and directives were a first attempt to simulate them) are not meant to represent such small fragments of the markup. they are more thought of as a fully functional component actually doing something. so whatever you want to do with your tr that you think it's worth building an element-directive around it, it probably isnt.
Maybe, what you can do is using an attribute-directive instead:
and your my-mail-directive does the magic on the tr element