I found this question which had an answer to the question of performing batch conversions with Pandoc, but it doesn\'t answer the question of how to make it recursive. I sti
Create the following Makefile
HTMLS=$(wildcard *.html)
MDS=$(patsubst %.html,$(TXTDIR)/%.markdown, $(HTMLS))
.PHONY : all
all : $(MDS)
mkdir $(TXTDIR)
$(TXTDIR)/%.markdown : %.html $(TXTDIR)
pandoc -f html -t markdown -s $< -o $@
(Note: The indented lines must begin with a TAB -- this may not come through in the above, since markdown usually strips out tabs.)
Then you just need to type 'make', and it will run pandoc on every file with a .html extension in the working directory, producing a markdown version in 'sources'. An advantage of this method over using 'find' is that it will only run pandoc on a file that has changed since it was last run.