I am looking for a solution to bind an object attribute that contains an array of string (representing an enum on the server) to a list of checkboxes. The binding should be
A generic way to handle a two way binding between an Ember object and Checkboxes can be implemented using plain Ember.js without the need of any plugins if you are willing to sync the enums on the server and the client manually (using AJAX or WebSockets). Note that Ember can update the list of options with Checkbox automatically after a sync.
So henceforth, I will assume that you have am enum with roles as an Ember Array:
App.Roles = [ "USER", "ADMIN", "GUEST" ];
Then we will show the options available to the user in a CollectionView like this (the template is given below).
OptionsView = Em.CollectionView.extend({
contentBinding: 'App.Roles', // Show a list of _all_ available roles
userBinding: 'App.User', // This points to the active user
tagName: 'ul', // Shown as a
itemViewClass: Em.View.extend({
userBinding: 'parentView.user', // For convenience
templateName: 'user-roles' // Defined later
The template for each option is:
Note that the use of tag makes sure that the Checkbox's
event is fired on clicking anywhere on the tag.
Finally the App.RoleCheckbox
is an extension of the Ember.Checkbox
class which handles the checked
property and click
event to toggle the role:
App.RoleCheckbox = Em.Checkbox.extend({
userRolesBinding: 'parentView.user.roles', // Points to the roles of the user
checked: function () {
var userRoles = this.get('userRoles');
return userRoles.contains(this.get('content'));
}.property('content', 'userRoles.@each'),
click: function (evt) {
var isPresent = this.get('checked'),
userRoles = this.get('userRoles'),
role = this.get('content');
if (!isPresent) {
} else {
An working example of this is: http://jsfiddle.net/BLQBf/ (Look at the console to see the log messages)
Note that this is not completely Ember-esque, since the View is doing part of the job meant for the controller
. Ideally, the click
event would call a function on the RoleCheckboxController
which would make changes to the User