I want to download files from google drive with javascript API. I have managed to authenticate and load list of files using gapi.client.drive.files
request. How
I found out that I can actually retrieve URLs of all those files from the folder using files' webViewLink
or webViewContent
attributes. A file which is of Google Drive type (Google Doc, Google Sheet, etc...) will have webViewLink
attribute and a non Google Drive type file will have webContentLink
. The webViewLink
will open the file in Google Drive and the webContentLink
will download the file. My code:
var request = gapi.client.drive.files.list({
q:"'0Bz9_vPIAWUcSWWo0UHptQ005cnM' in parents", //folder ID
fields: "files(id, name, webContentLink, webViewLink)"
request.execute(function(resp) {
console.log(resp); //access to files in this variable