I am currently passing in the TinyMCE source as a dependency, and then calling tinyMCE.init({}); but it is not initializing TinyMCE. When I console.log TinyMCE, it retur
You can use 'shim' for requirejs 2.1.0 or higher, see example of main script below:
baseUrl: "js",
paths: {
tinyMCE: 'libs/tinymce/tiny_mce'
shim: {
tinyMCE: {
exports: 'tinyMCE',
init: function () {
this.tinyMCE.DOM.events.domLoaded = true;
return this.tinyMCE;
], function (tinyMCE) {
// your code here
Edit: I added iimuhin’s snippet from below in the comments. It doesn’t seem to work without it; I added it because future searchers will appreciate avoiding the added IE headache.