I am doing some work writing a PHP-based SOAP client application that uses the SOAP libraries native to PHP5. I need to send a an HTTP cookie and an additional HTTP header
This answer is the proper way to do it in PHP 5.3+ SoapClient set custom HTTP Header
However, PHP 5.2 does not take all of the values from the stream context into consideration. To get around this, you can make a subclass that handles it for you (in a hacky way, but it works).
class SoapClientBackport extends SoapClient {
public function __construct($wsdl, $options = array()){
if($options['stream_context'] && is_resource($options['stream_context'])){
$stream_context_options = stream_context_get_options($options['stream_context']);
$user_agent = (isset($stream_context_options['http']['user_agent']) ? $stream_context_options['http']['user_agent'] : "PHP-SOAP/" . PHP_VERSION) . "\r\n";
$user_agent .= $stream_context_options['http']['header'] . "\r\n";
else if(is_array($stream_context_options['http']['header'])){
$user_agent .= implode("\r\n", $stream_context_options['http']['header']);
$options['user_agent'] = $user_agent;
parent::__construct($wsdl, $options);