I\'m working on a project where I need to convert text from an encoding (for example Windows-1256 Arabic) to UTF-8.
How do I do this in Go?
You can use the encoding package, which includes support for Windows-1256 via the package golang.org/x/text/encoding/charmap
(in the example below, import this package and use charmap.Windows1256
instead of japanese.ShiftJIS
Here's a short example which encodes a japanese UTF-8 string to ShiftJIS encoding and then decodes the ShiftJIS string back to UTF-8. Unfortunately it doesn't work on the playground since the playground doesn't have the "x" packages.
package main
import (
func main() {
// the string we want to transform
s := "今日は"
// --- Encoding: convert s from UTF-8 to ShiftJIS
// declare a bytes.Buffer b and an encoder which will write into this buffer
var b bytes.Buffer
wInUTF8 := transform.NewWriter(&b, japanese.ShiftJIS.NewEncoder())
// encode our string
// print the encoded bytes
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", b)
encS := b.String()
// --- Decoding: convert encS from ShiftJIS to UTF8
// declare a decoder which reads from the string we have just encoded
rInUTF8 := transform.NewReader(strings.NewReader(encS), japanese.ShiftJIS.NewDecoder())
// decode our string
decBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(rInUTF8)
decS := string(decBytes)
There's a more complete example on the Japanese StackOverflow site. The text is Japanese, but the code should be self-explanatory: https://ja.stackoverflow.com/questions/6120