We have some nightly build machines that have the cuda libraries installed, but which do not have a cuda-capable GPU installed. These machines are capable of building cuda-
One useful approach is to run programs that CUDA has installed, such as nvidia-smi, to see what they return.
find_program(_nvidia_smi "nvidia-smi") if (_nvidia_smi) set(DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI 0) # execute nvidia-smi -L to get a short list of GPUs available exec_program(${_nvidia_smi_path} ARGS -L OUTPUT_VARIABLE _nvidia_smi_out RETURN_VALUE _nvidia_smi_ret) # process the stdout of nvidia-smi if (_nvidia_smi_ret EQUAL 0) # convert string with newlines to list of strings string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" _nvidia_smi_out "${_nvidia_smi_out}") foreach(_line ${_nvidia_smi_out}) if (_line MATCHES "^GPU [0-9]+:") math(EXPR DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI "${DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI}+1") # the UUID is not very useful for the user, remove it string(REGEX REPLACE " \\(UUID:.*\\)" "" _gpu_info "${_line}") if (NOT _gpu_info STREQUAL "") list(APPEND DETECT_GPU_INFO "${_gpu_info}") endif() endif() endforeach() check_num_gpu_info(${DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI} DETECT_GPU_INFO) set(DETECT_GPU_COUNT ${DETECT_GPU_COUNT_NVIDIA_SMI}) endif() endif()
One might also query linux /proc or lspci. See fully-worked CMake example at https://github.com/gromacs/gromacs/blob/master/cmake/gmxDetectGpu.cmake