Sorry if I did not explain my problem clearly.
and back
I have an implementation to get this same result. I have added div elements with role="form" parameter. And then validates elements on each div as it is like a form while the main form is still wrapping around.
And this jQuery code to check if there is any error in a particular div
var elmForm = $("#form-step-0");
The following code will check if there is any error input raised in a particular div
var elmErr = elmForm.children('.has-error');
if(elmErr && elmErr.length > 0){
// Error elements found, Form validation failed
return false;
And when you want to validate the whole form just use the normal code
var elmForm = $("#myForm");
var elmErr = elmForm.find('.has-error');
if(elmErr && elmErr.length > 0){
alert('Oops we still have error in the form');
return false;
alert('Great! we are ready to submit form');
return false;
Here is the source file on GitHub
Here is a Demo implemeation