I am working on windows 7. IIS 7 and XAMPP are installed on the same computer. I have been playing with win host file and apache configuration files into to understand Serv
In case of trying to get XAMPP (Apache) and IIS (5.1) working on WinXP this is what I did:
C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf: Search for “Listen 80″, change to “Listen 8080″ Search for “ServerName localhost:80″, change to “ServerName localhost:8080″
C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf Search for “Listen 443″, change to “Listen 4499″ Search for “”, change to “” Search for “ServerName localhost:443″, change to “ServerName localhost:4499″
[Then, access your Apache side by running localhost:8080 and ISS side by simple loccalhost]