Scale layer in Caffe

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一个人的身影 2020-12-30 03:07

I am looking through the Caffe prototxt for deep residual networks and have noticed the appearance of a \"Scale\" layer.

layer {
    bottom: \"r         

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-30 03:10

    There's also some documentation on it in the caffe.proto file, you can search for 'ScaleParameter'.

    Thanks a heap for your post :) Scale layer was exactly what I was looking for. In case anyone wants an example for a layer that scales by a scalar (0.5) and then "adds" -2 (and those values shouldn't change):

    layer {
      name: "scaleAndAdd"
      type: "Scale"
      bottom: "bot"
      top: "scaled"
      param {
        lr_mult: 0
        decay_mult: 0
      param {
        lr_mult: 0
        decay_mult: 0
      scale_param {
        filler {
          value: 0.5    }
        bias_term: true
        bias_filler {
          value: -2

    (Probably, the decay_mult's are unnecessary here though. But dunno. See comments.) Other than that:

    • lr_mult: 0 - switches off learning for "that param" - I think the first "param {" always(?) refers to the weights, the second to bias (lr_mult is not ScaleLayer specific)
    • filler: a "FillerParameter" [see caffe.proto] telling how to fill the ommited second blob. Default is one constant "value: ...".
    • bias_filler: parameter telling how to fill an optional bias blob
    • bias_term: whether there is a bias blob

    All taken from caffe.proto. And: I only tested the layer above with both filler values = 1.2.
