This morning I just installed new Xcode which includes iOS 6.
I have a table view loaded with a plist file containing chapters and lines. Chapters define the section
It worked for me in ios11
self.tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 0;
self.tableView.estimatedSectionFooterHeight = 0;
self.tableView.estimatedSectionHeaderHeight = 0
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSInteger numberOfSections = self.tableView.numberOfSections;
if (numberOfSections > 0)
NSInteger lastSection = numberOfSections - 1;
NSInteger lastRowInLastSections = [self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection:lastSection] - 1;
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:lastRowInLastSections inSection:lastSection];
[self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:isAnimated];