Hi could anyone help me with this I have a URL like
then I have a link that would add variable to that URL
modify_url_query($url, array('limit' => 50));
My function for modifying query in url
function modify_url_query($url, $mod){
$purl = parse_url($url);
$params = array();
if (($query_str=$purl['query']))
parse_str($query_str, $params);
foreach($params as $name => $value)
if (isset($mod[$name]))
$params[$name] = $mod[$name];
$params = array_merge($params, $mod);
$ret = "";
if ($purl['scheme'])
$ret = $purl['scheme'] . "://";
if ($purl['host'])
$ret .= $purl['host'];
if ($purl['path'])
$ret .= $purl['path'];
if ($params)
$ret .= '?' . http_build_query($params);
if ($purl['fragment'])
$ret .= "#" . $purl['fragment'];
return $ret;