I know this question was already asked several times, but I just can\'t get it to work. I already spent half a day trying dozens of combinations, and again now and it is sti
In my case, I did have a valid logging setting
LOGGING = {...}
Unfortunately it was being ignored because, at the bottom of my setting file, I was calling
This was overwriting my logging setting so the solution was
django_heroku.settings(locals(), logging=False)
This looks as though it might disable logging but it actually just skips heroku's own logging config.
As a side note, I would use this code when debugging Django logging problems because it should more or less always work with the Django defaults:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('django.server')
logger.error('some important infos')
See Django's default logging config
You can then change the logger, the message level and the logging settings to work out exactly what the problem is.