I\'ve always added dependencies like this:
dependencies {
compile \'com.android.support:mediarouter-v7:19.+\'
but in the recent versi
the answer of ashoke is correct if you want the latest version.
But if you just want to replace "+" by the version you are currently using (therefor protection yourself against bug in future update)
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.+'
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3'
(but not using 23.0.1)
this is the easiest way, no software needed:
$ ./gradlew clean tasks --debug > ~/whatever.txt
then look for "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0."
a few line below you will see
"Using com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3 from Maven repository"