I need to react (in interceptor class) on 403 Forbidden HTTP status (to obtain/refresh) JWT token and retry the request with fresh token.
In the code below, when ser
My final solution to this problem:
export class WebApiInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
constructor(private tokenService: TokenService) {
intercept(req: HttpRequest, next: HttpHandler): Observable> {
console.log('*An intercepted httpRequest*', req, this.tokenService.accessToken);
const authReq = this.authenticateRequest(req);
console.log('*Updated httpRequest*', authReq);
return next.handle(authReq)
.map((event: HttpEvent) => {
if (event instanceof HttpResponse) {
console.log('*An intercepted httpResponse*', event);
return event;
.catch((error: any) => {
if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
if (error.status === 403 && error.url !== environment.authEndpoint) {
return this.tokenService
.flatMap((token) => {
const authReqRepeat = this.authenticateRequest(req);
console.log('*Repeating httpRequest*', authReqRepeat);
return next.handle(authReqRepeat);
} else {
return Observable.throw(error);
just adds Authorization header to the copy of original request
get fresh token form authorization server and stores it