I\'m building an automated process to produce extensions. Is there a code example of calculating the extension-ID directly and entirely bypassing interaction with the browse
I was only able to find a related article with a Ruby fragment, and it's only available in the IA: http://web.archive.org/web/20120606044635/http://supercollider.dk/2010/01/calculating-chrome-extension-id-from-your-private-key-233
Important to know:
Using a PEM-encoded public key, follow the following steps:
The following is a Python routine to do this:
import hashlib
from base64 import b64decode
def build_id(pub_key_pem):
pub_key_der = b64decode(pub_key_pem)
sha = hashlib.sha256(pub_key_der).hexdigest()
prefix = sha[:32]
reencoded = ""
ord_a = ord('a')
for old_char in prefix:
code = int(old_char, 16)
new_char = chr(ord_a + code)
reencoded += new_char
return reencoded
def main():
pub_key = 'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCjvF5pjuK8gRaw/2LoRYi37QqRd48B/FeO9yFtT6ueY84z/u0NrJ/xbPFc9OCGBi8RKIblVvcbY0ySGqdmp0QsUr/oXN0b06GL4iB8rMhlO082HhMzrClV8OKRJ+eJNhNBl8viwmtJs3MN0x9ljA4HQLaAPBA9a14IUKLjP0pWuwIDAQAB'
id_ = build_id(pub_key)
if __name__ == '__main__':
You're more than welcome to test this against an existing extension and its ID. To retrieve its PEM-formatted public-key:
The public-key in the example is from the "Chrome Reader" extension. Its extension ID is "lojpenhmoajbiciapkjkiekmobleogjc".
See also: